Thank you from Bowl Community Centre
We would like to thank you for sponsoring us with 5kg beef mince.
Your donation/sponsor will assist us to generate funds to help:
- A 23-year-old single mother of 2, dependent on Tik;
- A 14-year-old schoolgirl/boy starting to experiment with Dagga;
- A 34-year-old father, about to lose his job and family because of his Alcohol addiction.
These are just a few of the examples who were assisted at our Centre.
Our response to the challenge of substance abuse also involves training others in this highly specialized field, and our training staff would like to:
- Offered training in dealing with substance abuse to members at workplaces, churches and mosques;
- Train community workers in informal settlements regarding substance abuse prevention;
- Assisted schools in effective drug educational programs.
It is wonderful to know that you value our work and also support us as this is very challenging for our staff working in this field.
Yours sincerely,
Joe van der Berg
Managing Director